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Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
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Abraham Lincoln Hub
16 July, 1871
Thomas 'Tad' Lincoln died of heart failure.
15 April, 1865
Abraham Lincoln died.
14 April, 1865
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.
9 April, 1865
General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox.
4 March, 1865
Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address.
31 January, 1865
The House of Representatives passed the 13th Amendment.
8 April, 1864
The Senate passed the 13th Amendment to abolish slavery.
19 November, 1863
Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address.
1 January, 1863
Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
20 February, 1862
Willie Lincoln died of a fever at the White House.
15 April, 1861
Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteer troops to preserve the Union.
12 April, 1861
Confederate forces fired on Union troops at Fort Sumter, starting the Civil War.
4 March, 1861
Lincoln delivered his first inaugural address.
6 November, 1860
Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th President of the United States.
4 April, 1853
Thomas 'Tad' Lincoln, Abraham's youngest son, was born.
21 December, 1850
Willie Lincoln, Abraham's third son, was born.
1 February, 1850
Edward Baker Lincoln (Eddie), Abraham's second son, died.
4 November, 1842
Abraham Lincoln married Mary Todd.
1 January, 1841
The wedding between Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd was initially set but was canceled.
27 January, 1838
Abraham Lincoln delivered his first major speech at the Lyceum in Springfield, Illinois.
16 August, 1837
Lincoln wrote a letter to Mary Owens suggesting she end their relationship.
9 September, 1836
Abraham Lincoln was admitted to the Illinois bar.
28 April, 1836
Francis McIntosh was burned alive in St. Louis, Missouri, an event that influenced Lincoln's views.
25 August, 1835
Ann Rutledge died, possibly of typhoid fever, which deeply affected Lincoln.
20 January, 1828
Sarah Lincoln, Abraham's sister, died while giving birth to a stillborn son.
2 December, 1819
Thomas Lincoln married Sarah Bush Johnston.
5 October, 1818
Nancy Lincoln died from milk sickness.
12 February, 1809
Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky.
12 June, 1806
Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln were married.
All other days in the chronicle are blank.
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