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Amber Heard
Amber Heard
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Amber Heard Hub
22 April, 1986
Amber Laura Heard was born in Austin, Texas.
2 September, 1945
Not relevant to Amber Heard's biography but mentioned in the context of World War II history. Japan surrenders, ending World War II.
9 May, 1945
Not relevant to Amber Heard's biography but mentioned in the context of World War II history. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union ends.
7 May, 1945
Not relevant to Amber Heard's biography but mentioned in the context of World War II history. Germany surrenders.
1 September, 1939
Not relevant to Amber Heard's biography but mentioned in the context of World War II history. Germany invades Poland.
2 October, 1935
Not relevant to Amber Heard's biography but mentioned in the context of World War II history. Fascist Italy invades Ethiopia.
18 September, 1931
Not relevant to Amber Heard's biography but mentioned in the context of World War II history. Japan invades Manchuria.
All other days in the chronicle are blank.
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